Eddi Fey

Seattle, WA

Professional Experience

Apple Leisure Group

Jan 2016 - Present

QA Automation Engineer


Led quality improvements over hotel contract loading, revenue management and pricing service for large startup project in the Hospitality and Travel Industry. Major efforts in in unifying a Java-based SOA suite of REST web services and 3rd party services and establishing quality processes for a minimum viable product.


  • Perform end-of-sprint demos of features to company employees and stakeholders.
  • Write test plan and strategies for End-to-End scenarios, Pricing API and Agency administration web portal.
  • Support developers with Unit and Integration test development and reporting of coverage with JaCoCo.
  • Develop automation test scripts for API via Postman and migrate into Java, JUnit, Rest-assured framework.
  • Develop, maintain functional test cases for Java, JUnit, Selenium framework with supported SQL database scripts.

Key Accomplishments:

  • Led Swat/Tiger team of key cross-team developers to track down breakdowns in complex, multi-faceted web service infrastructure to achieve end-to-end testing of pricing component.
  • Implemented and trained team on Gherkin story acceptance scenario testing writing approach that increased visibility into what was being testing and how, greatly reduced sprint overhead and was adopted companywide.
  • Increased UI automation testing efficiency by 20% through pairwise testing design of complex, multi-functional UI features to reduce load and maintaining 100% test coverage.
  • Developed method of documenting end-to-end testing scenarios which was consumable throughout the organization and approved by ownership and deployed companywide for approval end to end testing.
  • Increased API regression test coverage by 30% by converting 3rd party tool driven rest API test scripts into a Java/JUnit/Rest-assured automation test framework.


Nov 2007 - Sept 2015

Software Development Engineer/SDET


Joined Ethofy in an early-stage startup phase with a 10-person team. Managed all aspects of Quality for Ethofy’s flagship startup products and numerous Client Services albeit I wore many hats over an 8 year tenure. (Startups are like that :) Also, served as the principal developer for Client Services projects and building custom automation tools to support client onboarding, sustaining DevOps/IT and primary support liaison for Clients, Customers and Project Owners.


  • Manage and deploy promotion of releases through all environment stages and production.
  • Managed project management software and provide company status reporting of production releases.
  • Liaison for bridging and communicating technical and business goals between project owners and clients.
  • Write master test strategy, test plan, test cases for flagship product and numerous client projects.
  • Develop, execute and maintain system, functional, regression, compatibility test suites.

Key Accomplishments:

  • Successfully helped launch 3 SaaS applications from conception over the course of 7 years
  • Designed and developed Ethofy’s first comprehensive Test Automated Framework with over 1200 test scripts using C#, NUnit and Selenium WebDriver.
  • Re-developed front-end on a C#/.NET MVC back-end improving UX with responsive design and modernizing with HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap.
  • Designed automated test framework from the ground up achieving a scalable and maintainable Regression testing solution which resulted in a reduction of incoming rate of defects by 65%.
  • Designed and developed C# application to covert Excel data to HTML/JSON which served as a temporary solution to assist onboarding while product was being developed.
  • Reduced total regression test execution time by 4.5 hours through the implementation of cross-browser parallelism and paving the way for new continuous delivery methodology and daily production deployments.
  • Trained remote development teams on automation testing approaches, environment setup and integration into continuous integration build server to achieve goal of a centralized test process.

Ethofy Projects:

Kurryer (2011-2015)

Web hosted (SaaS) solution enabling organizations to amplify delivery of messaging to customers.

Inspired Marketing (2008 - 2010)

Initial major project to unify numerous silo projects into a single codebase.

Content Menu  (2007 - 2008)

Hosted website for Microsoft channel partners supplying syndication content from Ethofy's proprietary JavaScript/CSS syndication library.


Squirrel Systems (f.k.a. "Pacific Coast Systems")

Feb 2002 - Nov 2007

Systems Engineer


Principal installer and trainer of Squirrel Systems. Managed the setup, configuration, programming, testing, networking, staging, installation, training for Point of Sale systems in Hospitality Industry throughout the Pacific Northwest. Assisted sales staff with custom branded demonstrations and performed 24 hour on-call/on-site support.


  • Travel throughout the NW install POS systems in Restaurants, Resorts, Hotels and Trains.
  • Assist Sales and Program Management in training and demos.
  • Staged, tested, networked an average of 15 POS systems per year ranging from 1-20 nodes.
  • Trained 1-100 employees per install on POS usage.
  • Build-out Servers, Client machines and configure operating systems (Windows, Unix)
  • Provide on site "go live" support and 24hour remote support

Key Accomplishments:

  • Reached an average of 15 POS system installations per year ranging from 1-20 nodes and training 1-100 staff employees per install.
  • Reduced per installation programming time by 8-10 hours by designing and building an Excel to MSSQL DTS data application which imported restaurant data and saving on manual labor input.
  • Promoted to Principal Systems Engineer and relocated to the state of Oregon to work directly with Sales and increased companies market share in the region.

Other Professional Experience


1992 - 2002

World leader in Private Clubs - ClubCorp owns or operates more than 200 golf and country clubs, business clubs, sports clubs and alumni clubs.

Responsible for the overall Food and Beverage operations.

Promoted/Transferred within the following:


There's a good chance you'll find me on a mountain in a sea of rave green or in a never-win game of tug-of-war with my dog.


Systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux
Languages: C#, Java, JavaScript, T-SQL, HTML
Frameworks: .NET, React, jQuery, Selenium WebDriver, NUnit, JUnit, Rest-Assured
Supporting Technologies: JSON, XML, XSLT, CSS, Less, Bootstrap, Git, SVN
Applications / Tools: Visual Studio, Jenkins, TeamCity, JIRA, Blazemeter, Assembla, FogBugz, TestRail, Postman, SauceLabs
Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL
Versioning: SVN, TortoiseSVN, Git/GitHub/GitLab